




  • 重塑品牌,包括新的品牌标识,标志和标语
  • 推出定义公司转型的新战略

今天, 诺贝尔石油服务公司, 多元化公司集团, has announced the completion of an extensive rebranding – change of the company name to 诺贝尔的能量 and renewal of the corporate logo – that reflects company’s new corporate vision and 策略

The new 策略 will see 诺贝尔的能量 transform from an Oil and Gas Services Company to an Integrated Energy Production, 开发服务公司. 公司将专注于交付敏捷, 高效,更重要的是, 为客户提供可持续的解决方案.

This change follows big energy companies’ transformation efforts – to become a net zero company and ensure sustainable development – to address the dual challenge. 

Vugar Samadli, 皇冠体育app公司首席执行官:“我们希望帮助企业将雄心变为行动, 同时也成为解决方案的一部分, 因此我们也在改变. 更关注人, safety and sustainability of resources we want to be a catalyst for meeting the changing needs of our world. 这是一个充满挑战的旅程,但我们有正确的成分——有远见的方法, 合适的专业知识, 综合解决方案——帮助我们的客户和世界实现安全, 高效和可持续的成果.”

“This rebrand and our enhanced approach to sustainability perfectly illustrate 诺贝尔的能量’s ambition to play an active role in addressing the big energy challenge, 作为股东制定的战略目标的一部分,先生补充道。. Samadli. 

作为转型的一部分, 诺贝尔的能量 will be adapting the 策略 and structure to seize opportunities offered by 先进的技术.   

皇冠体育app将寻求与科技公司合作,共同推动创新, 推动进展, 并提供所需的技能,为所有利益相关者交付敏捷和可持续的结果. 

Dashgin Isgandarov, SOCAR石油副总裁, 天然气生产和运输公司表示:“我谨代表我们的管理层和个人, 祝贺皇冠体育app公司, SOCAR的主要服务提供商和合作伙伴, 公司进行了大规模的品牌重塑,推出了新的名称和公司标志. 

诺贝尔的能量 has swiftly realized the changes in today’s energy world and kicked off the transformation process. I believe the company will make their valuable contribution by playing an active role in new energy initiatives as well as renewable energy projects.    

We have a long and successful history of cooperation with 诺贝尔的能量 so I am well aware of their capacity and capability. 这让我坚信,公司一定会完成这一负责任的使命.   

I wish successes to our partner company on their important mission of developing new technology and innovative ideas in the country, 里海地区和世界. 我相信皇冠体育app公司将成功地解决这个问题。”.

Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli, 英国石油公司里海地区副总裁, 沟通和宣传, said: “It is not just the fact that an Azerbaijani company with diverse portfolio and international experience announces its rebranding and new vision that makes today’s event so significant. 它要深得多, it’s quite a milestone for the country’s energy sector as  for the first time a local company announces its ambition to transform in order to be part of the global changes, 提出了实现这一雄心的路线图,并承担了所有这些责任。”.

Mr. Aslanbayli added: “As a representative of the company that started its transformation journey a couple of years ago and announced its new 策略, 我可以分享踏上这样一段旅程的挑战. We are pleased to see that our long-time service provider 诺贝尔的能量 have also decided to take the same challenge. 为此目的协调各项努力并产生协同效应, 很明显, will make a solid foundation for projects in support of the country’s energy transition and this is so much important not only for 诺贝尔的能量 but also for the entire energy sector of the country. 我代表bp公司, I would like to congratulate all the staff of 诺贝尔的能量 and wish them success in this important and challenging endeavour”.           


皇冠体育app公司的新标志体现了能源行业从碳氢化合物的转型, (以橙色表示), 清洁能源, (蓝色), 通过可持续发展(紫色部分). 目标是(绿色), 由创新支持的可再生能源(用深蓝色表示).

新的口号——因为我们关心——建立在诺贝尔家族的传统之上, 是什么支撑了他们对人的关注, 他们的安全和幸福, 并通过创新的解决方案确保可持续发展. 它定义了公司对业务和环境可持续性的态度.


在过去的16年中, 皇冠体育app集团’s (是NEQSOL Holding的一部分) integrated services business model have helped the company to optimise end-to-end service delivery and provide effective and efficient solutions to its customers. 通过这个变换, 人们认为是什么让公司更加强大, 皇冠体育app将继续提供安全, 为所有涉众提供敏捷和高效的解决方案. 

集团的综合投资组合包括, but not limited to project and construction management; fabrication and installation of structural steelwork, upgrades of offshore facilities; pipe work systems including high pressure flow lines, 船只, tanks and related packages; field operations and equipment maintenance; integrated drilling and well services; integrated supply chain management.

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